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Community Impact Newspaper

Community Impact: Business Feature

BY AMIRA VAN LEEUWEN / COMMUNITY IMPACT Dean Fredrick's high school art teacher encouraged him to take a basic jewelry-making class, sparking his interest in the craft and career prospects.…
Sorting Stones

A Symphony of Sparkle: Dean Fredrick Sorting Stones with Artistic Precision

In the realm of custom jewelry design, every gemstone tells a unique story. These precious treasures, forged deep within the Earth's embrace, hold a mesmerizing allure that captures the imagination.…
dean fredrick’s journey of personalized jewelry excellence

Crafting Dreams into Reality: Dean Fredrick’s Process for Custom Jewelry

In a world where mass-produced accessories saturate the market, there's a certain allure to owning a piece of jewelry that is as unique as the individual it adorns. Dean Fredrick,…

Unveiling Brilliance: Dean Fredrick’s Unwavering Passion for Jewelry Design

In the world of artistry, certain individuals possess an innate fervor that propels them to create works of unparalleled beauty and significance. Dean Fredrick, a luminary in the realm of…

Exploring Artistry: Dean Fredrick’s Jewelry Studio in New Braunfels, TX

Nestled in the heart of the charming town of New Braunfels, Texas, a haven of creativity and craftsmanship awaits—Dean Fredrick's Jewelry Studio. With a legacy of excellence and a passion…